Saturday, December 25, 2010

O Little Star of Bethlehem

Bright good morning to everyone and Merry Christmas!  Today is the day we celebrate Jesus's birth, and what a GREAT day it is!  I live in Oklahoma, so we normally dont get snow on Christmas, this one is no exception.  This is pretty cold though.  Probably not as cold as Fargo, North Dakota, but it is freaking cold for us Oklahomans at around 31 degrees with a wind chill of 17 degrees. *BRRRRRR*  Luckily I have a nice hot cup of coffee to help keep me warm.

Before I get to what I am going to talk about today I wanted to say I received a powerful word last night.  Staying up late I was flipping through the channels and playing on the internet.  I stop on ion because Criminal Minds was on (love that show), well at midnight they normally go to infomercials or church services that broadcast their services.  I decided to keep it on the channel because the church that was on was singing a really good Christian song I never heard before.  I decided to just leave the channel on and go back to the internet.  Well they had a guest speaker on, an evangelist.  He begun to talk about 10 promises that we a PROMISED.  And he started saying that there will be miracles happening soon.  24 hour miracles, 72 hour miracles, and 90 day miracles.  He said to have faith and to sow what I can.  Of course he mentioned into his ministry, but there are other things you can sow when you have no money, and I have none.  God gave me peace.  The speaker said that the loan you have been needing to get will come to you and that I needed to trust in God and be ready to receive, and I tell you it washed over me!  God is here and God is ready to bless me!  HALLELUJAH!

With that said, I want to talk about something important in the bible.  Probably one of the most important stories in the bible, that of Jesus's birth.  You can find the story of Jesus's birth in Matthew 1&2, and Luke 2.  Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be counted on the census since this was where Joseph is from.  While they were there, Mary went into labor.  The was no rooms left in the inn(s) in Bethlehem, but the innkeeper let them stay in the manger where they would be out of the cold.  It was there Jesus was born that night.  She wrapped him up and placed him in the manger.  Then an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepards and told them the good news: "A Savior is born, he is Christ the Lord!"  The sheperds left to see if this had truely happened.  When they saw that it had happened they spread the good news.  However there was one man who didn't like the idea of a Savior being born: King Herod.  He sent the Magi to see if it was true so that he could go and worship him aswell.  The Maji sent out on their journey and did indeed see the Star of Bethlehem and followed it to the Lord Jesus.  They gave him gifts of gold, franincense, and myrrh.  However, being told that they should not return to King Herod because he wished to kill the baby and to return to their home in Egypt, they returned to their home in Egypt by a different route.

This my friends is the birth of Jesus.  Most know that Mary was promised to Joseph and that she became pregnant with God's son and Joseph, in a dream, was told by an Angel of the Lord that she will be pregnant and to marry her even though she was pregnant and the baby was not his.  Now you need to know that in this time, a woman who was pregnant out of wedlock was not a good thing.  Joseph followed the word given to me and was the dad to our Savior, thank him so much for protecting the Virgin Mary and our precious Savior Jesus Christ.

This story means so much to me.  One of the most known stories (the other being the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) across the whole earth.  This shows me Gods unending love and grace.  How wonderful it is that we have a savior who loves us whose sole purpose on this earth was to die for our sins!  I thank the Lord everyday for giving me the chance to be forgiven and for giving me unending blessing and love.  He is worthy to be praised!

With that I leave you so that I can spend time with my family this Christmas morning.  May your Christmas be bright and all your loved ones by your side.  And May the Lord God be with you in your heart!

God Bless!

Here is verse for you! :)
         Luke 2:14  
              Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.

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